Property Details



Residential Sold -

This .4 acres mountain top lot is the perfect location for your vacation getaway! Located near Dollywood, Gatlinburg and the Great Smoky Mountain park, this lot will give you majestic views of the surrounding area. Homes in this location are some of the nicest in Servier county! Zoned R1 – Residential. Lots of local entertainment and things to do!  OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE!!! NO CREDIT CHECK AND LOW PAYMENTS! Direct Message Anytime! Call or Text Drew Hill: 410-428-6800 Email: We are and we find awesome properties at below market values which allows us to make a small profit and pass the savings along to someone else still below market value leaving plenty of options and profit potential! You can build your Mountain getaway with this lot situated on .4 Acres in Sevierville, Tennessee. This lot is perfect for getting away from it all! Direct Message Anytime: Call or Text Drew Hill: 410-428-6800 Email: *Terms and Conditions: This land is being sold in as is condition. Seller makes no representations, warranties of any kind whatsoever, expressed or implied. All prospects buyers are urged to do their own due diligence to their own satisfaction prior to purchase of this property. All information contained in this listing page has come from reliable sources and is accurate to the best of our knowledge. There will be no delinquent back year taxes at time of conveyance. Current year taxes are the buyer’s responsibility.

Use the next door neighbor’s address for easy driving directions: 1804 High View Ct TN 37862 . Lot is situated to the left. See GPS coordinates in below ad for detailed boundaries.

APN / Parcel #: 078107P D 00500
Account # or GEO #: N/A
Property Address: HIGH VIEW CT
County: Sevier
State: TN
Lot Number: LOT 600
Legal Description: SKY HARBOR SEC H PB 14 PG 62 LOT 600 SKIVIEW COMM DIM 115 X 150 M IRR
Parcel Size: 0.396 acres
Subdivision: SKY HARBOR SEC H
Approximate Dimensions: 125.52 ft x 142.56 ft x 22.68 ft x 21.52 ft x 29.66 ft x 21.21 ft x 23.93 ft x 145.88 ft Approx.
GPS Center Coordinates (Approximate): 35.751792, -83.489111
GPS Corner Coordinates (Approximate): 35.752038, -83.489111
35.751797, -83.488808
35.751536, -83.489165
35.751594, -83.489195
35.75164, -83.48924
35.751694, -83.489315
35.751725, -83.489377
35.751749, -83.489452
Google map link:
Elevation: 1797.9 ft
Assessed Value: $20,000.00
Market Value: $20,000.00
Access to the property? (Dirt/ Paved/ Plated but not Built/ No Roads (Land Lock) or Other) Paved
If others, please specify: N/A
Is there a Structure (Yes or No (If Yes: Explain) None
Closest major city: Gatlinburg, TN – 20 min (8.2 miles)
If No Address or 0 address: Closest Property with Numbered Address 1804 High View Ct, Sevierville, TN 37876, USA
Closest small town: Pittman Center, TN – 23 min (9.3 miles)
Nearby attractions: Ripley’s Aquarium of the Smokies – 17 min (7.2 miles)
Gatlinburg SkyLift Park – 18 min (7.5 miles)
MagiQuest – 18 min (7.7 miles)
Pigeon Forge Snow – 19 min (7.9 miles)
TITANIC MUSEUM ATTRACTION – 20 min (8.5 miles)
Hatfield & McCoy Dinner Show – 20 min (8.7 miles)
Hollywood Wax Museum – 20 min (8.2 miles)
WonderWorks Pigeon Forge – 21 min (8.9 miles)
NASCAR SpeedPark Smoky Mountains – 21 min (9.4 miles)
Parrot Mountain and Gardens – 23 min (8.9 miles)
Assessor Website
Assessor Contact 865-453-3242
Treasurer Website
Treasurer Contact 865-453-2767
Recorder/Clerk Website
Recorder/Clerk Contact 865-453-5536
Zoning or Planning Department Website
Zoning or Planning Department Contact 865-453-3882
County Environmental Health Department Website
County Environmental Health Department Contact 865-429-1766
GIS Website
CAD Website N/a
Electricity Company Name & Phone Number Sevier County Electric System – 8654532887
Water Company Name & Phone Number Sevierville Water Department – 8654535522
Sewer Company Name & Phone Number Sevierville Water Department – 8654535522
Waste Company Name & Phone Number Venture Contracting Inc – 8657123690
Are the taxes of this property current or delinquent? (If Current, then means no back taxes), (If Delinquent, just put delinquent and ask the next question below.) Current
Are there any back taxes for this property? If yes, how much is the amount owed? ( From what year to what year) No back taxes
How much is the annual property tax? (Current Year if available, if not get the previous year) $93.00 Year 2020
Are there any tax liens for this property? If yes, how much is the amount owed?( From what year to what year?

Note: Most of the time the county does not have access to this data because they don’t know if there are any mortgages or any kinds of liens.

Do not have access to this data.
Is property part of an HOA (Home Owners Association) or any communities? (Yes/No) As per Ms. Mandie of Register of Deeds (865)453-2758 no records in any HOA of this subdivission.
How much is the annual HOA due? N/A
Are there any HOA dues? If yes, how much is the total amount owed? N/A
County Operator Details who Confirmed the Information: CLICK HERE
What is the zoning of the property? (Residential/Commercial/Agricultural/etc) R1 – Residential
Terrain type? (Is it flat /slope/etc) Slope/greater that 30%
Property use code? N/A
Is the land cleared? (Yes/No) Wooded
Is the property buildable? (Yes/ No/Maybe/ etc.. write whatever the county has to say) Yes
What can be built on the property? (Different types of homes that we can build on the lots.) Residential Family Home
Can we camp on the property? (If we buy this property can the owner camp there?) Yes/No Yes
Notes on Camping (please take note of the allowed time for camping or whatever the county has to say) Allowed for personal use not a camp ground
Are RV’s allowed on the property? (Please ask if there are any restrictions.) Yes/ No Yes
Note’s on RV’s (jot down notes whatever the county has to say) Allowed for short period of time, it can’t permanent there.
Are Mobile homes allowed on the property? (Please ask if there is restrictions.) Yes/No Yes
Notes on mobile homes (jot down notes whatever the county has to say) Mobile homes are allowed
Are tiny houses or small cabins allowed in the property? Yes/ No (Please ask if there is restrictions.) Yes/No Yes, Tiny houses it depends on how it builts on
Is there a total size restriction for any structures on the lot? Yes/ No (Please jot down the notes from the county) No, as long as they meet the setbacks
Are there any building height restrictions? (yes/ No) How many ft… please take down notes from the county It has to be less than 30ft at the front of the building
What are the setbacks of the lot? 10ft front
10ft side
10ft rear
What is the minimum lot size to build on the property? There’s no really a minimum lot size because there already a lot there,they can build on the lot if they can set their septic.
Is there any time limit to build? No
Is there a County or City Impact fee required to build and if so how much does this cost? No
Is the property in a flood zone and if so what needs to be done to the lot in order to build? Not in flood zone area.
Any other restrictions? Nothing else
County Operator Details who Confirmed the Information: Ms. Daniel – 8654533882
Is the property in the city or MUD district? ( Please refer to FEMA)

Note: MUD (Mixed Used Development) meaning it’s a a zoning type that blends residential, commercial, cultural, institutional, or entertainment uses into one space.

Is the property located inside or outside city limit?

If Inside City: It means water and sewer is provided by the city (You need to confirm it)
IF Outside City: It considered under County, means water can be built through deep well (You need to confirm it)

Does the property have water connected? (Yes, No, Waterline on the street/road or Do Not Know) Not connected
If YES… (Put the company name and the phone number of the provider) N/a
If it’s in the area (Put the street name where the main water line is located.) N/A
If NO: (Ask if we do we have to dig a well, or, is there any utility company who provides water in the area where the property is located.) Would need to dig a water well
Does the property currently have Sewer or septic? (Confirm If Sewer or Septic is on Site: Select either; Sewer, Septic, or None) None
If YES (confirm if it’s a SEWER or SEPTIC: Is it provided by the county / city or private company?) N/a
Please ask the details of the Company Name & the Contact information ….(Call and Confirm if it’s the right company) N/a
If NO: Do we need to install septic? (YES/NO) or a septic system is already installed in the property? Would need to install septic
If the septic system has to be installed, (Ask if do we need to percolate the soil?) N/A
Does the property currently have electricty connected? (Yes, No or Do Not Know) Can’t find any company services near in the area
What is the electric company name (Confirm If there is Electric company Service in the area – Select either City, Community, None etc.) N/A
What type of gas does this area service? (Propane gas/Natural gas/ tank gas/etc) No gas
For waste….
Will the county or city pick up the trash?
If YES… Get the details of the company name and contact information that service in the area…

NOTE: If NO, (Ask if it’s responsibility of the property owner.)

Property Owner
County Operator Details who Confirmed the Information: Ms.Daniel 8654533882

Property Features
  • Land is 0.40 acre
Drew Hill
Experienced Regional Director with a demonstrated history of working in the consumer services industry. Skilled in Customer Service, Advertising, Sales Management, Team Building, and Marketing. Strong business development professional with a B.A. Behavioral Sciences from Morehead State University.
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